
Thursday Jul 07, 2016
Counter Culture: Live With It (Week 5)
Thursday Jul 07, 2016
Thursday Jul 07, 2016
Jonathan Pearson takes a look at the parable of the unmerciful servant and let's us know that our time with God should bring change in our lives.

Monday Jun 27, 2016
Counter Culture: Know What's Required (Week 4)
Monday Jun 27, 2016
Monday Jun 27, 2016
Pastor Artie talks about the fact that we can't add to or take away what God says and what He requires.

Monday Jun 20, 2016

Monday Jun 13, 2016

Monday Jun 06, 2016
Counter Culture: Your Heart, Not Your Hand (Week 1)
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Our Lead Pastor, Artie Davis opens our series by talking about the parable of the man building bigger barns and reminds us that our hearts are more important than how much we have. We're called to be generous.

Tuesday May 31, 2016
Post Your Status: Don't Read the Comments
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Tuesday May 31, 2016
What others often say about us and what Satan wants us to believe about ourselves is different from the truth God wants us to know about ourselves. In this message, Jonathan Pearson reminds us of our status with Jesus and to not believe the lies we hear.

Monday May 23, 2016
A Personal Encounter
Monday May 23, 2016
Monday May 23, 2016
Pastor Dustin challenges us to move beyond a surface relationship with Jesus and have a real encounter with our Savior.

Monday May 16, 2016
Possess the Place: Perception (Week 5)
Monday May 16, 2016
Monday May 16, 2016
Our perception determines what we believe about God. God doesn't always guarantee that His call will come with ease. In this message, Pastor Artie reminds us to keep moving forward into God's promised place.

Monday May 09, 2016

Monday May 02, 2016
Possess the Place: People (Week 3)
Monday May 02, 2016
Monday May 02, 2016
There are always going to be people take us places in our lives. The key is to know which people to listen to and glean from and which ones to not allow to have influence in our lives.