
5 days ago

Monday Mar 17, 2025

Monday Mar 10, 2025

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Hope... Even If
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025

Monday Feb 24, 2025
It's Not About Me Anyway
Monday Feb 24, 2025
Monday Feb 24, 2025

Sunday Feb 16, 2025
A Twisted Truth | The Lie of Disappointment
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Sunday Feb 16, 2025

Monday Feb 10, 2025
A Twisted Truth | Who You Really Are
Monday Feb 10, 2025
Monday Feb 10, 2025

Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
A Twisted Truth
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Just because something:
- SEEMS True
- FEELS True
Doesn’t Mean it’s true…
New Series:
A twisted truth contains SOME TRUTH but is still a lie
What is truth?
Truth aligns with how God created the world; falsehood contradicts God’s reality, even if it still “exists” in some sense within this fallen world.
Truth Is:
- More than just facts and appearances
- Knowledge of what is right in God’s sight, rather than man’s alone.
Human beings have been created to seek the truth
- But we cannot know all truth in ourselves, and so we need God to lead us to the Truth
- We can easily be led astray by falsehood.
The devil is the “father of lies” (John 8:44), and he is behind every lie circulated in the world today
- He can only be defeated by God’s Truth.
Truth = Order, Flourishing, Joy, Hope
Lies = Chaos, Pain, Confusion, Suffering
What does the Bible Say about Truth?
John 1:14
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Jesus is the FULLNESS of Truth
John 4:24
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth.”
We worship God when we submit to the truth
John 8:31-32
31 Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you continue in my word, you really are my disciples. 32 You will know the truth, and the truthwill set you free.”
Freedom is FOUND in the truth
John 14:6
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Jesus is the TOTAL EMBODIMENT of the Truth
John 16:13
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. For he will not speak on his own, but he will speak whatever he hears. He will also declare to you what is to come.
We are FILLED with the SPIRIT OF TRUTH (Holy Spirit)
Satan, as the father of lies, uses TWISTED TRUTHS to lead people astray
For Every Truth of God – The Enemy of God has a Counterfeit
Enemies Of God:
- Satan
- Culture
- Mind
Genesis 3
Now the serpent was the most cunning of all the wild animals that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You can’t eat from any tree in the garden’?”
2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit from the trees in the garden. 3 But about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God said, ‘You must not eat it or touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “No! You will certainly not die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “In fact, God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 The woman saw that the tree was good for food and delightful to look at, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
A Twisted Truth -> Temptation to doubt -> Sin -> Shame
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1: Jesus was BOTH fully God and FULLY MAN
2: Satan’s lies were to distract and derail his purpose of Death and Salvation
3: Jesus’ temptations we ENTIRELY REAL
4: We have a Lord who UNDERSTANDS us
Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin.
We will discover 3 DISTINCT Twisted Truths the enemy uses
- Tactics
Matthew 4
1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 After he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 Then the tempter approached him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”
4 He answered, “It is written: Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
Temptation 1:
PHYSICAL Temptation (Doubting God’s Goodness)
This twisted Truth asks…
“If God really loves you, He would want you to do what feels right to you”
“Do what feels right” always speaks to:
- Our Needs
- Our Weakness
Never where we are strong
- Jesus was
- Hungry
- Tired
It didn’t come at the beginning, but at the end, when he was most tired
Jesus answers with SCRIPTURE = GOD’S TRUTH
How to tell the difference between God’s Truth and Satan’s lies
The enemy always speaks to your needs, whereas God speaks to your potential
This twisted truth is trying to get us to…
Satisfy what God can ONLY satisfy
- Physical lusts and desires
How to spot this TWISTED TRUTH in our culture…
- If God is good, then…
- Do you feel right
- Do what makes you happy
Matthew 4
5 Then the devil took him to the holy city, had him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is written:
He will give his angels orders concerning you, and they will support you with their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” 7 Jesus told him, “It is also written: Do not test the Lord your God.”
Temptation 2:
EMOTIONAL Temptation (Doubting God’s Faithfulness)
This twisted Truth asks…
“Does God Love me?”
Satan uses SCRIPTURE… A twisting of the truth
- Ps 91:11-12
Tempting Jesus to say…
- “If God loves me, then He’ll protect me.”
- God Already said at Jesus’ baptism that he is pleased with Him
This twisted truth makes us question that all the time
- Allow our feelings in a moment to override our knowledge of God’s love for us
“If God really loves you…”
If God must MEET your demands for you to know that He loves you, then you don’t understand His Love
- Our emotions don’t dictate what God should be doing
How to spot this TWISTED TRUTH in our culture…
- Feelings over facts
- “If God is all loving, then I can…”
- “I asked God for something, and he didn’t do it so he must not exist”
Matthew 4
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 And he said to him, “I will give you all these things if you will fall down and worship me.” 10 Then Jesus told him, “Go away, Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.” 11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and began to serve him.
Temptation 3:
CONTROL Temptation (Rejecting God’s Authority)
This twisted Truth says…
“I can be in charge”
“I can take a shortcut to what I want”
“Only you should sit on the throne of your life.”
Tempting Jesus to Take the easy way to AUTHORITY
- Don’t have to go through suffering and death
- Take what you want without God’s approval
Just like in the garden
- Wanted wisdom on their own terms
When you choose to take over the throne of your life, you become RESPONSIBLE for everything in your life
- We are not capable of handling that responsibility
- God created us to be led by him
- Away from him, we destroy ourselves and others
You cannot sin your way to a blessing
- Can’t have things God says no to and expect good to come
- Can’t shortcut his process to his provision/protection/blessing
How to spot this TWISTED TRUTH in our culture…
- “You do you…”
- “It’s you life, live if like you want…”
- No one can tell you…
- Who you are
- What you can be
- How you can live
- Who you love
- “No one’s in charge of my life but me”
How do we overcome the TWISTED TRUTHS of Satan, Culture, and our hearts?
1: Recognize the pattern
- News days, Old lies
2: Respond with God’s Word
- Real Truth
3: Resist in the power of the Spirit
4: Pursue the Will Of Your Father

Monday Jan 27, 2025
Faith-Filled Abundant LIfe
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Monday Jan 27, 2025
All In
Easy to be “All In” when you’re winning
- No “Fair Weather Fan”
All in means:
- You trust the Player’s talent
- The coaches call
- The schedule
- etc
You have “FAITH” in these things
How you determine if you are ALL in or not is:
It’s NOT how you handle WINNING; it’s how you handle LOOSING
- Blame others
- Fly off the handle
- You win some; you lose some
Reclaiming Abundant Life
John 10:10
A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.
Week 1:
An Abundant life is a life full of the spiritual gifts of God’s Holy Spirit given to His faithful followers
Week 2:
An Abundant Life is a PURPOSEFUL LIFE
An Abundant Life is a FAITH-FILLED Life
What is Faith?
Hebrews 11:1 (ESV)
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Faith Is…
1: To be ALL IN on something
- Truth and Expectation
- CONVICTION – Deeply helps belief
Not constantly questioning:
- Intent/motives
- Believe the person and their strategy
2: Not Living In the Moment
- Hoping in/for something even if you haven’t seen in yet
- Assusance – Something in the future
The “DISCIPLINE” of Faith
It is more difficult for us because we are trained to be “LOCK INTO THE MOMENT”
Joseph Story:
- Sold to slavery
- Lied on and sent to prison
Interprets dreams in prison
- Cupbearer
- Chief Baker
This is a real test for Joseph’s FAITH IN GOD
Family In Egypt
- Father Dies
- Brothers worry about what Joseph will do
Genesis 50
19 But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God?
20 You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result—the survival of many people.
Abundant Life was not in his:
- Position
- Authority
But his ability to:
His FAITH Allowed Him To See God’s Goodness IN ALL THINGS
This is what it means to be ALL IN
Choosing to TRUST and SEE God’s Goodness
- In your circumstances
- In your challenges
- In your heartbreak
- In you disappointments
- In your dreams and purpose
God tempered Joseph with TIME
- He was not ready for the WEIGHT OF RESPONSIBILITY
- Each hard season gave him training for the next
- House – Prison – Kingdom
Only Possible when NOT living in the moment
ALL IN/Not Living in the Moment Examples
Marriage – Do you trust God enough to stay
Singleness – Do you trust God to be enough
Job – Do you trust God to be faithful
Youth – Do you trust God enough to give him your future and identity (compromise)
- Do you trust God enough not to compromise on whom He says you are?
- Your environment does not justify your compromise
An Abundant Life is a FAITH-FILLED Life
Declarations of FathFILLED abundant life:
I Believe The Lord is FOR ME, not against me
I Believe that my Father’s way is the Best way
I Believe God’s best for me is yet to come, whether in this life or the next
I Believe Jesus’ sacrifice is for ME
I Believe My Heavenly Father keeps His promises
I Believe the Holy Spirit is working in me and through me

Monday Jan 20, 2025
Purposeful Abundant Life
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Monday Jan 20, 2025
The Question WHY
- Frustrating when kids ask
WHY do you do what you do?
WHY Are you here?
- WHY do you exist?
What is your WHY?
- We all have one
Abundant Life is a PURPOSEFUL LIFE
John 10:10
10 A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.
Last week…
What is abundant life?
Abundant life is a life full of the spiritual gifts of God’s Holy Spirit given to His faithful followers
Current Statistics:
2023 Harvard Graduate School of Education
More than half of young adults (58%) reported that they lacked “meaning or purpose” in their lives in the previous month and half of young adults reported that their mental health was negatively influenced by “not knowing what to do with my life.”
There are many other factors that may contribute to feelings of meaninglessness and purposelessness as well as to anxiety and depression, including:
- The increasing focus on the self in our culture;
- Difficulties making choices given new, rapidly changing, and sometimes undefined career paths;
- Young adults marrying at older ages
- Declines in religious participation
- High social media use and other forms of digital media use
- A media ecosystem that floods us with frightening messages
- Higher expectations than their predecessors for finding meaning and purpose
“Religious communities can provide you with a meta story, can give you a sense of meaning, a place across geographic boundaries and time,” Weissbourd said. “So I’m not again saying we should become more religious, but we should think about how we create some of these aspects of religion in secular life.”
Rule 1: Your purpose cannot start with you
“What’s my WHY?” is the wrong question for the Christian
Scripture teaches that…
True purpose is found in God Alone
God Created ALL THINGS on purpose for a purpose
2 Types of Purpose
General Purpose:
The chief end of man is to Glorify God with your life
1 Corinthians 10:31
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.
This is the FOUNDATION of your WHY
You exist to GLORY GOD with your WHOLE LIFE
You cannot bypass this to get to your “Specific purpose”
Specific Purpose/Calling:
Empowered by specific gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Lived out through the FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
Can be:
- Something right now
- Something Later in life
Tips to knowing your specific calling:
Grow where you are planted
Luke 16:10
Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much.
- Healthy things grow
Whether you are a…
- Parent
- Student
- Spouse
- Employee
- Leader
- Teacher
Your calling will often follow your gifts/passions
- But the Lord can “ADD TO” the meet what He has purposed you for
Your Purpose is for you but not ABOUT YOU
- Bigger than you
Rule 2: God’s Purpose for your life Is a PROCESS, Not a PLACE
God’s purpose for your life is not linear
Romans 8:20
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.
Process = Sanctification
The process of being made into the image of Christ in your life
Joseph in Potiphar’s house
- Summarize up to this point
- Joseph’s dreams
Genesis 39
1 Now Joseph had been taken to Egypt. An Egyptian named Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh and the captain of the guards, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had brought him there. 2 The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man, serving in the household of his Egyptian master. 3 When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made everything he did successful, 4 Joseph found favor with his master and became his personal attendant. Potiphar also put him in charge of his household and placed all that he owned under his authority. 5 From the time that he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house because of Joseph. The Lord’s blessing was on all that he owned, in his house and in his fields. 6 He left all that he owned under Joseph’s authority; he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate.
Rule #1 in action: Your purpose cannot start with you
If your purpose starts with you, you can never live higher than your circumstances
Joseph – Doing all things to the GLORY OF GOD
- God blessed him
But he wasn’t fulfilling his “SPECIFIC CALLING”
- The dreams
Being faithful in his difficulty paved the way for future purpose
New Troubles are on the way…
Now Joseph was well-built and handsome. 7 After some time his master’s wife looked longingly at Joseph and said, “Sleep with me.”
8 But he refused. “Look,” he said to his master’s wife, “with me here my master does not concern himself with anything in his house, and he has put all that he owns under my authority. 9 No one in this house is greater than I am. He has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. So how could I do this immense evil, and how could I sin against God?”
10 Although she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her. 11 Now one day he went into the house to do his work, and none of the household servants were there. 12 She grabbed him by his garment and said, “Sleep with me!” But leaving his garment in her hand, he escaped and ran outside.
She kept his garment and lied to her husband
19 When his master heard the story his wife told him—“These are the things your slave did to me”—he was furious 20 and had him thrown into prison, where the king’s prisoners were confined. So Joseph was there in prison.
Rule #2: God’s Purpose for your life Is a PROCESS, Not a PLACE
When you are living in God’s purpose, the enemy will ALWAYS send you a “POTIPHAR’S WIFE“
2 things:
- Distraction
- Easier way
If your WHY is found in the right thing, you can say NO to the wrong things
When our purpose is grounded in God, it allows us to let God shoulder the burden
- When we choose OUR OWN purpose, we become responsible
Rule 1: Your purpose cannot start with you
Rule 2: God’s Purpose for your life Is a PROCESS, Not a PLACE